How to know your Buyer Persona / Customer Avatar / Ideal Client

Buyer Persona Customer Avatar Ideal CLient

Watch this before you come up with your next product or service. So how do you know your Ideal Client or Customer Avatar. In this video, you are going to discover 5 questions that you need to answer that will help you to clearly define your dream client.

After having one on one consultations for at least 1 hour with over 152 coaches and consultants in the last two years, one mistake I have come to note is that a good number of them do not have a clue about their customers. And this is a huge mistake. You need to know your Ideal customer whom you would target with your product or service. VERY IMPORTANT

Most of us get so focused on WHAT we’re selling that we forget to think about whom we’re selling to. HUGE mistake. Even if you were to create an awesome and wonderful product, selling it to the wrong type of clients would not yield any admirable result.

Before We dive in for those who do not know me already, My name is Narkisho Nyonje and I help Coaches and Consultants to build profitable online selling systems so that they bring in a continuous flow of clients to their business 24/7 even without the technical know-how of how to do it.

For you to be able to achieve your sales objectives, the following issues have to be addressed about your ideal client:

•        Who your ideal customer is

•        What are their key purchaser drivers are

•        What their challenges and wants are

•        How your product or service transforms their lives from their current situation for the better

It is possible to have more than one customer avatar depending on the complexity and scope of your products and services and all these different customer segments need to be clearly defined.

Knowing your customer avatar affects every aspect of your coaching or consulting business and any other business for that matter.

Here are some examples of how to use your customer avatar in various areas of your business:

•      Content Marketing: It helps you decide what blog posts, videos, podcasts, Lead Magnets, etc. you should create to attract more leads and customers to your business

•      Paid Traffic: It helps you discover which ad platforms you should buy traffic from—and what targeting options you should use

•      Product Creation: It helps you create a product that your customer needs

•      Copywriting: It helps you describe your offers in a way that speaks to your avatar’s problems, making them crave to buy from you

•      Email Marketing: Knowing your avatar helps you get more open rates and better conversion rates on your emails… and can even be used to segment-specific email marketing campaigns to different avatars

By now you may be asking yourself how will I be able to know my Ideal Customer? If you have been in business from some time then this can be easy just pick on your Customer whom you would want to have more of and even give him a name and shun the ones that you would not wish to deal with, you may be having some customers “Customers from Hell” whom you may not wish to deal with.

If you are serving Customers like yourself then you may need to put yourself in your customers’ situation and see how you would want to be served.

If you are new to the business, it could take more research and talk to more to your ideal customers before clearly defining them. It took me 152 one on one sessions with my clients to gain a deeper understanding of them but do not worry we will make this simple.

Here are the Five Questions that help you to identify your ideal client

1.       What are the demographics and traits?

a.       Age

b.       Gender

c.       Marital status

d.       Number/age of children

e.       Location

f.        Occupation/job title

g.       Annual income

h.       Level of education

i.        Quote that sums up their feelings related to the problem/goal most closely related to your product or service

j.        Brands or influencers they follow or engage with

k.       Where they get information (books, blogs, forums, conferences & events, etc.)

2.       What are Their Frustrations & Fears – What are they moving away from – The things that frustrate or scare them. What are the things they want to ESCAPE from?

a.       What keeps them up at night?

b.       What annoys or frustrates them?

c.       What challenges do they face on a daily basis, big and small?

d.       Who or what is standing in the way of their success and happiness?

e.       What are some key systems in their life/job that frequently fail?

f.        What’s something they’re forced to interact with that’s difficult to manage or understand?

g.       What feature (or lack of features) do they regularly complain about in related products or services?

3.       What are their wants & aspirations – name several things your customer avatar wants that they don’t have yet.

a.     What do they want for themselves?

b.     What do they want for the people around them (family, friends, coworkers, employees, etc.)?

c.     What do they aspire to be?

d.     What goals have they set for themselves?

e.     What values do they hold dear?

f.      What are their “secret” desires?

TAKE NOTE: These things should have relevance to your product or offer. Don’t get distracted by unrelated goals. For instance, if they may like to add 10 Kg to their weight, that relates to weight-loss shake but not to funnel building services.

4.       What are Their Key Purchase Drivers – In other words, why would they buy? What things are most important to them?

•        Must-have features

•        Expectations of service

•        Quality expectations

•        Are there any known deal-killers?

•        What are some reasons for not working with you that must be overcome?

•        Any additional stakeholders or decision-makers?

At this point, it’s also worth thinking about common objections or reasons why they might NOT want to buy.

  • What are their states Before & After interacting with your product or service?

The final step to completing your Customer Avatar is to define your avatar’s “before” and “after” states.

What is your customer experiencing before purchasing your product or service? And what do they experience after the purchase of the product?

Put in another way, how will your product or service transform or change their lives for the better?

As you go through this, remember this marketing reality in focus:

We do not just buy products or services, We indeed buy transformations.

For example:

•        People enrol in a gym to transform their bodies.

•        We buy clothes to get a transformation in our appearance or increase our social status.

•        People buy coaching certifications to transform their career or business.

See how that works?

These 10 questions will help you define their state:

a.       What does your prospect HAVE before your product or service

b.       What does your prospect HAVE after your product or service

c.       How does your prospect FEEL in the before state?

d.       How does your prospect FEEL in the after state?

e.       What is an AVERAGE DAY like, for your prospect in the before state?

f.       What is an AVERAGE DAY like, for your prospect in the after state?

g.       What is your prospect’s STATUS in the before state?

h.       What is your prospect’s STATUS in the after state?

i.        What is an EVIL that is eating up the prospect in their before state?

j.        How does your prospect conquer it and bring more GOOD to the world in the after state?

So those are the five questions that you need to know about your customer. They may seem detailed but this is just a scratch on the surface.

We go very detailed in this for our clients and this is a must exercise before we build the websites and sales funnels or building any marketing campaigns

We have a course that helps you to clearly define your customer avatar

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